Our Day in San Antonio

We drove there from Austin, primarily to visit some friends with whom we worked in England from 1991 to 1994. But, before our 6 P.M. dinner call, we had plenty of time to explore the town. Below, we have just entered the famous River Walk, which is a circular portion of the .... river right in the heart of the city. Most of the walk has been developed into a string of nice restaurants and other attractions. To the right is a plaque that was mounted near the place we were having lunch below.
There would have been lotsa places we could have eaten.
A very drizzly day. Elaine was prepared for rain.
To read the caption above, look at the enlargement below.

From this bridge, we could see many of those white flowers.
A close up of one of them.
On one side of the river, a terraced theater.
From the top, you could see the stage across the river.
We visited the Alamo, but only photographed the blooming century plant to the right.
The plaque above was on the old and beautiful San Fernando Cathedral, the stately structure below.
A useful bean bag and a back pew that was not occupied by jittery tourists provided us this lovely still interior. I have since bought a handy carrying case for my sturdy tripod which will accompany me all through Italy this coming July.
If you are interested in the pictures of our friends in San Antonio, just click HERE.