We are back in Austin after a very nice day in San Antonio.

Ruth and daughter ...
... and mother makes three happy, wet, cool ladies.
Elaine managed to get me in the midst of a dive. Not a bad shutter speed.
I guess I survived it.
Go on, Jenelle, JUMP.
Elaine made the mistake of telling Ruth that she DOES windows.
This party of five includes David Melber and his wife, Ann.
He was the associate pastor at Immanuel Church in DeKalb.
He was a bit too radical for the DeKalb Lutheran membership and we had supported him through many difficult situations.
Ann and Dave were recently married. He said she was a classmate from high school -- the only one he hadn't dated. The reunion was very pleasant.
Above, three pictures of three frolicking in Ruth's living room and in the cool, cool pool.
One of Ruth's main objectives this week was for me to recommend a piano. I tried dozens of pianos all over Austin. The two below were Kawais that I thought were pretty good.
But, this space is reserved for a picture of the Sohmer I found for them. Shel will take a picture with his new Kodak camera and email it to me.





This is a picture of Dustan taken with Shel's new Kodak DC280 which was recently emailed to me.
Our computer is always with us. Here I am updating our churches web page ...
...and here, we are installing the new printer Elaine got me for my birthday. Both endeavors were successful, eventually.