The map below shows the routes of our first few days. We
landed in Frankfurt, and immediately took a very sleepy ride
south to Freiburg. None of us remember much of that
trip, because it was 2 to 5 A.M. body time. |

were immediately impressed with the lovely (although tilted)
view out of our window. We were sure we would get to see this
impressive building up close because we were scheduled for a
walking tour in a few minutes.
At Freiburg, we were welcomed by the Hotel Dorint, a very modern
building just five minutes from the old part of town. |
This is a nice view of the entire hotel. |
WRONG!! This nice tour guide took us the opposite direction
to the old section of Freiburg. Apparently, the church we admired so
much was only a hundred or so years old and not of interest to tour
guides. |
Ingrid, our tour
guide, was very helpful and full of information. She told us lots of
information about all these points of interest and if we hadn't been
jet-lagged, we might have remembered it. I noticed that Amy Solomon
took voluminous notes. Amy, where are you when I need you? |
A Gargoyle Goiter.
 A very
pretty house with flowers everywhere -- and a very efficient
transportation system. |

These two pictures, above and left, are of the
central square in Freiburg. |
magnificent cathedral on the right is the one our neighbor, Ron,
told us to climb. It was a very hot day, but we decided to try. The
steeple was closed the day of our walking tour, but we went back the
next evening, only to get there too late to make the climb. To the
left, note the red flowers above the clock.
Below, Martha stands before a very colorful set of houses. |