Our very own GRAMMY celebration, right here in
Washington, DC.
We had our very
own Jennifer Lopez. You are far more beautiful,
And our own jazzy
piano stylist?
But, the man who did it
all was BOB SHAFER holding forth on Channel 4. To
the right, Robin and Alison had several
presentations to make.
But, what's this? I
think Bob is being presented with a genuine Black
And it
is very becoming indeed.
Eventually, we all sang
a great song to acclaim the success of all the
effort put into the Grammy production.
A splendid cake was admired and
then reluctantly eaten.
Everyone needed a
picture of this.
Marv and Elaine with Bob
and Gram.
A very prestigious
collection of persons.
Susan Holiday and Gus
Well, there is our
youngest potential singer.
Marv Tatum and his vest
of many colors.
Note: These are all reductions
of high resolution digital pictures, and if you
would like any of the original files, right click
on the picture, note the name of the picture file
and email
a request.I will email it
to you. Each one is more than 0.6 megabytes.